1. The club should post all meetings with a 30 day notice. Special meetings and rescheduled meetings, can be posted with a shorter notice.
2. Coaching staff members (members of the WSA Voting Board) must attend all educational, informational, and business meetings as posted.
3, The club will post meeting notices via email, text, website and social media communication portals, all portals made available to coaching staff members. Coaching staff members are expected to remain connected to these portals for clubwide communication.
4. Failure to attend meetings can result in consequences related to coaching privileges and pay.
5. General Membership meetings are not required attendance by WSA Coaching Staff, however, WSA Coaching members are reponsible for making sure their team is represented at these meetings and that the rep is given the authority to vote as a proxy to the Board. Coaching staff members are responsible for educating and informing proxy meeting attendees representing their teams.