WINTER HOLIDAY: Dec 15 - Jan 8, 2023
Holiday = Break from training and play. Any team functions should allow for physical, mental and emotional rest from competition and training. Team parties and/or team building functions are encouraged.
Off Season Communication Check Points = Each coach should complete all of these in communication to your team:
- Define your team holiday START DATE (Dec 15, 2023 for most WSA teams) * See Below
- Define your team holiday END DATE (Jan 8, 2023 for most WSA 15-19U teams) * See Below
- Identify your LAST COMPETITIVE GAME and last required training session before the holiday START.
- Identify your NEXT COMPETITIVE GAME and NEXT TEAM SESSION after the holiday ENDS.
- Communicate your team's AGE GROUP SESSION dates to your families w/ DATE, TIME, LOCATION. Require attendance.
- Send your training schedule to your team for 2023 Winter/Spring w/ competition dates for January, February, March, April, and May. Note on your schedule if your Spring League Schedule has not been set yet.
- If you are doing Sports Performance Training, be sure to sign up, select your day/time, and collect payments (if your team would owe). Cost for Sports Performance Training is $1,000 per phase (8-week period). Youth Academy and 9v9 teams may "combine", but cannot exceed 20 players/session.
- Identify key moments of the upcoming Winter/Spring season: League Start Dates, PostSeason Dates, Player Placement/Tryout Dates, Player Feedback Meetings.
- Identify the date, time, location of your team player and parent meeting for after the holiday. This team meeting is required for all teams, led by the coach. Coordinate with your DOC if you'd like a DOC in attendance.
- Complete Player Feedback & Evaluation for EACH Player. Click Here.
- Set up an individual "in person" meeting for each player and develop an Individualized Development Action Plan (IDAP). For ALL AGES parents should be invited. Parents are required to attend all 15U and younger meetings. Any coaching staff meeting w/ opposite gender players are required to have another staff present if parents do not attend. Complete between Jan 9 - Feb 20.
- Remind players and parents to submit your Coach Evaluation Online. Share the link. Coach with most evaluations completed wins NIKE KICKS below:

Link to Coach Feedback Online Forms - parents & players send you feedback. Share this link (most returns wins Nike kicks):
Player Feedback Provided by Coach - Click here
11U-15U OPC SPRING '23 LEAGUE - Apply Now
** 15U OPC League will be contingent on enough teams applying
Deadline: January 8th
OPC League Play Opens: February 25th
15U-19U HS LEAGUE - Spring/Winter In-House League, 1 game/month periodization
MORE INFO/APPLY, Deadline to Register, Jan 15
Age Group Sessions & Age Group Staff Meetings Schedule - Click Here
Sign Up for Sports Performance Training. Click Here
- Sessions Begin week of Jan 9th. 8-Week Phase.
- ECNL-RL and EA teams have this built into fees.
- 15U-19U ECNL-RL/EA have already participated.
- 13U-14U ECNL-RL/EA can select day, no payment required.
- 15U-19U any team, may participate. Cost $1,000 total/team.
- Can pay $500 deposit by first week. Balance due week 3.
- 11U-14U Teams Participating will be an "preseason" phase of training for Spring
- 15U-19U Teams Participating will be an "offseason" phase of training that overlaps transition to HS
- All teams head coach may be request specific training focus from Coach Pace & Armory Training
Mid-Year, Team Meeting Components / Agenda Template
1. Mission of team
2. Manifesto or Vision of Team
3. Introduce new staff, players, people, and any new roles
3. Tangible Goals for team this season (any related objectives)
4. Present Team Schedule
- Games
- Tournaments
- Sessions
- Age Group Sessions - ClubWide
- Post Season
- Player Placement/Tryouts
- IDAPs - Individual Development Action Plan Meetings
- Club Events (i.e. WSA Cup, T Town Showcase, Futures Cup,
5. Present team budget update with mid-year view. Budget should be driven by team schedule and operations.
6. Complete Business Items: All players on TeamSnap App, All players following WSA Social Media, All Hotel & Lodging links sent to families, etc...
** All teams should abide by Dec 15 - Jan 8th as a "holiday".
15U-19U |
Dec 15 |
Jan 8 |
Tactical Training |
11U-14U RL/EA |
Dec 15 |
Jan 8 |
Sports Performance |
11U-14U |
Dec 15 |
Jan 22 |
Indoor/Futsal |
Youth Academy |
Dec 15 |
Jan 29 |
Indoor/Futsal |
** Indoor training, Futsal Training, Games Indoors, which are optional for 11U-14U and Youth Academy, and allow participation in Winter Sports are encouraged to be part of a team's schedule.