Achievement+ Perspective+ Perseverance




 WSA Coaches Travel Per Diem Policy
From WSA Policies & Procedures, Ratified by Exec Council

       Coach Travel Expenses should be provided for coaches for any travel event of 100 miles roundtrip or greater.
       For statewide league play, many single games may require travel between 200-300 mile roundtrip (i.e. Tulsa to Norman)  The club recommendation is that mileage is provided at the rate listed below for these single games.   For league games, since these are often unplanned and unbudgeted then coaches should expect that on ocassion the funds will be reimbursed, rather than paid up front.  No lodging or food per diem is expected to be paid for league games.

It is important for the team to PAY THE COACH BEFORE DEPARTURE of any traveling tournament (or Regional League event, such as ECNL-RL, EA, MLS-Next, NPL).  The expectation is that the coach should not be out any “out of pocket” expenses for travel, lodging, or food.  These monies should be collected per player by the team as part of the team’s tournament “entry fee” expenses (divide total cost among number of players on team).  IT IS REQUIRED TO COLLECT WELL IN ADVANCE FOR TRAVEL EVENTS and to collect "installments" at 4 different times of the year to cover all "travel" and "team" expenses (see WSA Managers page and team budget spreadsheet).   

Please communicate closely with your coach on all tournament schedules and events so that you can “plan” for travel expenses.  Teams who compete in "national qualifying" leagues should pre-budget 50% of the potential costs of coach travel if the team were to qualify for regional or national finals..  If the team qualifies the remaining 50% should be collected upon qualification.  If the team does not qualify the 50% collected will "roll-over" to the next year, or be applied to team expenses in the current year.  It will not become reimbursable to families at the end of the year. 

Please use the following schedule for determining coach’s travel expenses:


1)    The team will cover the coach’s entire motel/hotel expense.  It is expected that the team will reserve the room, secure payment methods with the motel/hotel on the coach’s behalf before departure, and supply the coach with the confirmation number required at check-in.  The expenses should only include “cost of the room” and no extra fees such as phone usage, internet connections, etc…

2)    For trips to team games over 100 miles the team is expected to pay the coach mileage.  The team will pay the coach 30 cents per mile (teams may pay the IRS rate if they wish to).   Miles calculated should include the “round trip".  The team can increase this rate if they wish to.  The rate applied here is the minimum expected rate.  If the team chooses to fly, the team is expected to handle the coach’s roundtrip airline ticket and rental car expenses.  If the team travels by bus, the team is expected to pay the coach's portion of bus fare.
-- OR -- Teams may choose to pay via gas receipts or by utilizing the team debit card for gas purchases for the coach's travel.  NOTE: IF the IRS rate for mileage is not applied then the coach may still claim the appropriate mileage expense deduction during tax filing. See "Flight Policy" below. 

3)    The coach’s per diem is assigned as $30 per day.  This includes breakfast - $7, lunch $10, dinner - $13.  For each “full day” that the coach is with the team $30 should be allotted.  The team may and can pay a higher per diem. 

      Teams with same gender coaches are expected to "share" in travel expenses.  The team should calculate the standard expense, and multiply by no more than 1.5 to arrive at the final expense for the team.  

If you have any questions on the above policy please contact Roger Bush, WSA Director of Coaching. 


Make sure your coach plans to drive before you pay his mileage. IF YOUR COACH DOES NOT PLAN TO DRIVE (i.e. rides with a parent or other staff member) THE TEAM SHOULD NOT PAY THE COACH MILEAGE. 



Teams traveling over 575+ miles one-way, will be expected to purchase plane tickets for coach travel.  The team will also cover the expenses to cover rental car and gas for interim travel.   The plane ticket airfare will cover the roundtrip.  The coach is not required to use airfare, and may still decide to apply the driving mileage allowance above. 


If a coach's child is participating in the team that is traveling, or if the coach's child is participating with another team traveling to the same event then the following application of travel expenses is expected:

1. The team will cover 100% of the coach's food per diem at $25/day (see above).
2. The team will cover 50% of the coach's lodging expense (see above). 
3. The team will cover 40% of the coach's travel expense, including mileage, car rentals, gas, airline tickets, depending on mode of travel.  

Teams are expected the cover the amounts listed above. The above is applicable to all teams, but might be overriden by a particular club demographic, such as a certain league platform, or community club.  There should never be an instance where per diem amounts listed above are less than the rates listed unless the coach has expressly informed the team that she/he will not be accepting portions of the per diem rates.


Teams with multiple coaches should anticipate covering food expense for both coaches.  If coaches are both same gender and can share a room, then it is expected coaches share a room, or receive 50% of lodging.  When possible coaches should be expected to travel together sharing expenses for travel.  When not possible, for example when using airline travel or when coaches are traveling from different locations, then the team should cover both coaches expenses.  The total expense burden of the team should not be expected to exceed more than 150% of the total per diems for one coach (i.e. if the total food, lodging, and travel comes to $500 for one coach, then the team would cover both coaches by multiplying $500 X 1.5, which is $750 total, and apply 50% of $750, or $375 to each coach's expense).   The coaches must collaborate on travel and lodging.


If coaches are not the same gender, then the team is expected to cover 100% of the lodging for both coaches, 100% of the food for both coaches, and 50% of the travel for both coaches. 

POLICY FOR STAFF COACHES (i.e. Sports Performance, GK Training, Athletic Training/Medics, or Technical Directors): 

Coaches who are not assigned to a team, but spend time with a team in some significant role such as goalkeeper training, technical directing, athletic training/medics, sports performance, or other roles, may travel with teams to signficant events such as National or Regional finals, major college showcases, or league promotion matches.  


Teams qualifying for National Finals (or Regional Finals) are expected to cover 100% of coach travel expenses.  In various league platforms the club may help offset expenses.  Typically the club will cover the "entry fee" for the National or Regional event.  In some cases the club will pay for additional chaperones, media relations coordinators, or possibly additional staff to travel.  Teams will typically know prior to event registration if WSA will cover any of the coach travel, lodging, or food expenses for a national qualifier.  The allocation of other club personel resources will be dependent on the club's resource availability at the time, often times dictated by timing of the National Finals event.